Shine with a Feature Title on the Cover of Her Nation Magazine
Capture the attention of Her Nation Magazine’s readers with a prominent mention of your article title on the cover. Here’s how this feature adds value to your brand:
Establish Authority at a Glance: Your article title on the cover signals your expertise and shows readers that you are a respected voice in the community.
Boost Discoverability: This cover mention subtly attracts readers who are drawn to high-impact topics, helping to expand your reach.
Position Yourself as a Contributor: A cover mention gives your name recognition and builds familiarity, showing that you’re an expert worth following and engaging with.
Upgrade Your Feature: For just an additional $20, receive a beautifully printed copy of your cover —a lasting keepsake (that can be framed) of this significant milestone, perfect for display in your office or studio.
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Supporting Cover Article Title - Digital Copy Only$17.00
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Supporting Cover Article Title - Digital and Print Copy$37.00